Quotable Quotes by Gurudev
1. When thoughts are constrained and your mind has settled down peacefully in that meditative state, you have become one with the Divine. You are no more your small, little individual self, but you are one with the cosmic life, cosmic being, and one with God.
2. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Happy moments, praise God; Difficult moments, seek God; Quiet moments, worship God; Painful moments, trust God; Every moment, thank God.
3. There is some power, someone who is really caring for you---not just someone: there is only one in the whole universe. That One in the Universe is caring and taking care. Relax; just be peaceful.
4. If you just look into all the pleasures or joy that you get in life from the world, from anything---they all come with a tax. You have to pay a tax for them. And this tax is sorrow.
5. Make the whole life a game. There is no purpose; there is no aim, nothing. Just take it lightly, easily. Play the game. That is worship, which is celebration.
6. Most of the sorrow in the world is because of this: speech -- what people say. If they kept their lips tight, ninety percent of the problems in the world would be over.
7. There is no escape for man from misery until he reaches the other end of his journey, lives the state of Divine Love, full love. And it's not very difficult. It's worth walking that path
8. The present moment, making the mind be there -- now, now, now -- makes you like a child: innocent and still a lot of wisdom and depth
9. In surrender, you realize that, "It is not possible for me to handle my mind or head with all its guilt and with all its rubbish." Now you say, "Divine, you take care of this”.
10. Jesus is the only way? Jesus is Love-yes, Jesus is the only way. Jesus has many names: he is Buddha, he is Krishna, and he is you. Your name also belongs to Jesus
11. Surrender means, "Who cares what is happening -- I just let go"
12. Bad company is company that disturbs the coolness, simplicity, and innocence in you. Company that robs the joy from you is bad company. Company that stimulates passion and ambition in you is bad company.
13. Make your desire bigger. Desire for the highest. Don't go for anything smaller than that. Hmmm? Then also Divine Love dawns in you.
14. Celibacy is a happening in life; it's not a practice. It's not something one forces on the mind. But when that same love becomes devotion, then your mind is so much in the present moment, totally, all the 24 hours, then you see you are having the same joy a hundred times more, magnified, without having the feverishness of lust
15. You are not jealous about someone very dear to you. When someone very close to you is very happy, it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bring jealousy in you. When you think so-and-so is very happy and they are not connected to you totally, then the jealousy comes.
16. One bases one's life in the way one looks, and that causes great fear
17. The desire has driven you crazy. Stop for a while and look at it: "What is it?"-that feverishness dissolves and disappears, vanishes
18. The Infinity longs for you as much as you long for It
19. Whatever action you do, whatever events happen around you, it does not touch a central point of your life. That central core of your life remains a virgin.
20. "Jesus is born to a virgin" means that Jesus, or the Lord, is born to this virgin area deep inside you which is untouched by any events that are happening in life
21. Don't think a Guru or a Master is always blessing. There are certain moments when that blessing flows with great force. Those are very precious moments, to sit and receive that
22. The direction of life is towards one thing: that is love. You be prosperous and have no love, that prosperity has no value. You are on spiritual path but you don't experience, feel the Love, then that spiritual path is no path, it is very dry: it's all up here -- intellectual exercises
23. A servant is one who does not think, "What about me." He has so much trust in the Master. He has come to dissolve and be one with the main stream, the ocean. It's like a river flowing into the ocean. It no more exists; it is transformed. Now it exists as the ocean itself. That is a servant
24. "Perfection" is availability of the Divine Love deep within us, of the wholeness of Love deep within us -- undying, unshakeable, ever-growing Love deep within us
25. The more you are loaded with desires, the more poor you are, the more weak you are. Strength is wakefulness, and in wakefulness there is no desire. Remember this
26. Offer every moment into the Divine
27. The Divine is serving you day and night. See, in time, in seasons, it brings rain for you and food, crops to you. It delivers. In fact, the Divine is serving you. Sun and moon going around you-everything is being provided to you. Is it not a service
28. You think dispassion means lack of joy. This is not so; dispassion *is* joy. Dispassion means "full of joy." When you say, "I don't want anything," that means you have everything
29. If an enlightened person walks around, do you know how he feels? He feels like taking a stick and beating everybody and asking them to laugh! "All has been provided to you, and God is with you every moment. Now, why don't you smile, laugh, and be happy in life!
30. Prayer is not a practice; it is a happening
31. The seers, the seen, and the process of seeing all merge. The knowledge, the knower, and the known, they all merge, become one -- that is Divine Love
32. You eat, and after eating you should not think about eating. Same thing, sex. You have sex -- finished; afterwards you should not carry sex in the head all the 24 hours
33. "Hurt" is part of love. You can get hurt only when you love; otherwise – impossible
34. Offer desire to the Divine. Challenge the Divine: "Why did you give this desire to me in the first place! Better if you take care of it." At that very moment that pain, or restlessness, or desire, transforms into an infinite state of clear awareness, or Love. An immense Love wells forth in you. This is called "surrender.
35. There is a Divine Love, which is the very source, the very center, of all other types of love...Every cell of our being reverberates with that essence of Love, that Love which can transcend all the limitations and still grow
36. Longing, the pain of separation, increases the love in you. That increases the prayerfulness in you
37. Gratefulness purifies your system
38. Celibacy is a happening. When you feel that joy is with you all 24 hours then you lose interest in an act to get joy. It is a happening, it's not something forced or suppressed. We either know to just completely be into sex, always going into it, or we know to suppress it completely. But transcending is going beyond that, and that happens with more awareness
39. Beauty has no utility, because beauty is not a "means," it is an end in itself. All that is useful in life is only a means. All that is useless is an end in itself. Do you see that? What is the use of being in love?
40. You are that Longing that you have for me. You are that Love you have for me. You *are* That. Be with That
41. Divine Love is when you transcend the knowledge, when you don't care -- say we are sitting here, even if I don't say a word, if it's okay for you just to be sitting
42. Tonight, when you go to sleep, feel your whole body. As you start feeling your body, you'll see you are not the body. You are a glow, you are consciousness. You are that scintillating energy, sparkling energy in the whole body.
43. The taste of that surrender will make your life worth living. Without that, you may be a king, you may be a president, you may be a millionaire, you may have all the pleasures in the world-still, you are poor; still, your life is not worth breathing
44. The Divine rejoices in your being happy. God, or the Creation, is so happy when you are happy. When you dance, sing, and jump up and down happily, that is true prayer, that is true meditation. Meditation is a fountain of joy, an ecstasy; and Divine enjoys that more. Divine is not fond of your suffering
45. Competition destroys creativity; but you have been told the other way around. People have always told you that you have to be competitive, that you should win over the competition, otherwise you can't survive. No -- if you want to be creative, you shouldn't be competitive
46. When you are longing for a pleasure, ...the longing for it brings a bondage. And liberation, or enlightenment, Nirvana, all that, is to take off the bondage, to be free from any bondage. But [for] one to whom even Nirvana doesn't appeal... in that heart Love blossoms fully: "I am yours, you use me how you want
47. If you could give yourself, then your needs will all be taken care of, more than it is needed. That is called "sidhi" -- whatever is needed comes before it is needed
48. If someone is beautiful, that beauty is bestowed by the Divine, it belongs to the Divine. If someone is educated, that knowledge is bestowed by the Divine. Someone is doing some good or bad actions, those actions are from the Divine
49. Offer the desires that have already arisen in you, then also you'll become peaceful and happy – instantaneously
50. Desire and ambition suppressed, fermented, become anger. Like milk becomes yogurt, desire ferments and becomes anger. And when you cannot show anger, or even if you have shown anger, the anger gets fermented and becomes passion, attachment -- that's called "mohaa." "Mohaa" means you are attached to somebody in spite of all your misery
51. When there is Love, there is no ego; ego dissolves like the dew drops with the sun.
52. Behind every misery, there is a hope. The fuel for miserable people is hope. Foreseeing happiness sometime in the future, makes one miserable right now. Having desire for some pleasure in the future, either in the world or in heaven, one misses the boat
53. Every experience, when it is over done, every sense, brings nausea. Craving turns into aversion. And aversion continues, then it turns into craving. With this feverishness of aversion and craving the mind gets clogged, closed---it's unable to see the light deep within.
54. If there is love, there is bound to be longing; and if there is longing, know that there is love. Attend to the sensation in your body, attend to that; attend to the root of desire: that ambition, that craving.
55. The purpose of every practice -- spiritual practice, meditation, breathing techniques, and kriya, all this -- is to uncover something that blocks the expression of Divine Love.
56. Attend to every part of your body with honor-all feverishness will be transformed into love.
57. Do not judge. Just look at yourself -- how many flaws you have. And Nature, the Divine, has accepted you with all your flaws... It doesn't judge you at all.
58. In fact surrender is a joke. You have nothing to surrender. Everything is anyway belonging to the Divine. And if you "have" something, what is it that you have? But if you think you have something, the enlightened say, "Okay, you surrender it." It makes your mind free
59. See the world from the eyes of the Master. This is a sign that you have come to the Master
60. You can do this as an experiment: when you are very worried or tense, just sit by a flowing river or gushing water and just keep looking at the water. You know, within few moments you feel as though like a magnetic pull, that your mind is being pulled in the direction of the flow of water...and in a short while all that anguish, delusion, whatever you had, [with] the flowing water it all flows away. You become fresh.
61. Love is not just an emotion. It is the very state of your being.
62. If somebody is hateful, we can only have compassion for them, because they are not aware of the center; they have moved from their love.
63. Prayer is not a practice; it is a happening.
64. Just the memory of the Lord, of the Divine, can remove obstacles from your way.
65. Offer to the Divine all your wants, your aversions, your cravings. Rest deep in a state of contentment. And look at what all has been given to you. Look around, see how rich your life is, how beautiful the world is -- you'll be taken up by waves of gratitude.
66. The more organized your life is, the more the false idea comes in your mind that you are in control. That doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of things, take care of everything, organize, but know that you are not in control of anything. Then surrender has happened.
67. Dispassion is not apathy. Often we think dispassion means being totally unenthusiastic, depressed, not interested in anything -- this is not dispassion. Dispassion is lack of feverishness.
68. In life, any time you become stiff---and there you get a slap! Become soft; smile there. Any stiffness, life just smoothens it out, evens it out, in you.
69. Duality -- a divided mind -- is the cause of fear and misery.
70. You need someone from the other shore to throw the rope which you can hold on[to] and cross.
71. Don't think, "I have lots of duties. How will I fulfill my duties?" See, the moment you think something is your duty; there is no beauty in it. Duty, responsibility, becomes a burden; it becomes bondage on your head. Love the job that you are doing.
72. If you are given ten compliments and one insult, that one insult gets into your mind so strongly, it overwhelms you, takes you in your totality, eats you up; all pleasant thoughts leave you; one unpleasant thought clogs the mind, blocks your life, limits it to a very small thing. One single thought in the mind can restrict your awareness, the totality of awareness. How big is your mind? How vast is your life? There are so many things in life. One small, insignificant thought, insignificant thing, can clog and cloud your whole awareness.
73. If we all just sit and think, "What about me, what about me," then that is the hell.
74. When this mind is causing so much disappointment to you, why don't you drop it! Why do you hang onto that mind.
75. When a devotee flowers on this planet, God is so happy..
76. It's not necessary that one has to go through all the suffering. That is why there is a Guru. Yes, one has gone through some suffering -- that is enough. There is no need to be repeating it over again and again.
77. What is happening in gazing? You are looking at somebody. For a few moments you gaze with all your heart. Then for a few moments your mind is not running here and there. Then you sit with eyes closed -- the mind is completely settled.
78. Surrender is your innate nature. But the fear is that you think you will "lose" by surrendering -- I tell you, what is it you have to lose! You have nothing, in the first place, to lose. Surrender means, "Who cares what is happening -- I just let go"
79. Love is now and here.
80. The central focus of our life is spiritual growth, is peace, and then all other things will be around that. Your first and foremost commitment in life is to be with the Truth, to evolve in Truth.
81. Meditation is very similar to this experience of void. In meditation you realize you are not just the body, but you are more than the body. That annihilates the fear of death.
82. God never punishes you. He has never lost hope on the human beings.
83. Even if you live for five minutes in this planet, even if you live for five days, five months, five years - a few moments of that Love makes the life worthwhile. A few moments of that Love brings joy, not only to you but to the entire creation around you.
84. It's not worth living in this planet -- walking, talking, eating, drinking, doing anything -- if the heart is not opened. And 95% of the population, I could even say 99% of the population, dies without the heart being opened.
85. The mind plays so many tricks. The mind is charmed always by a distance. We are not charmed by God because he is very close to us; he is the nearest. So the mind tries to keep God at a very great distance.
86. God is the cheapest commodity available, because outside of God there can be nothing. There is no "outside" at all.
87. Look at this arguing mind. This is what you have been carrying all these years-and you want to continue carrying it.
88. The seed of all knowledge is present in the consciousness, no doubt about it. There is no doubt -- the Sadguru will know something which you have never revealed to anybody. [To] the innermost secret, [he] has an access, because there is no difference. At the same time, he has no interest in poking into anybody's mind, or reading anybody's thoughts, or reading anybody's opinions. He allows the "I don't know" state to remain.
89. If someone is beautiful, that beauty is bestowed by the Divine, it belongs to the Divine. If someone is educated, that knowledge is bestowed by the Divine. Someone is doing some good or bad actions, those actions are from the Divine.
90. Servant is the real master. Who becomes a master, is one who serves. God has been serving you day and night. He takes care of every thing for you.
91. Don't evaluate yourself. When you stop evaluating yourself, which in itself is a sign of progress.
92. A semi-conscious state is the cause of action -- the dream state, where you create. A spark of beauty with rajas (rajoguna), pushes you into action. This entire universe is a dream, it is full of action.
93. Creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin. They almost happen simultaneously -- the moment you are born, you are also dying.
94. Love cannot be experienced in the process of asking: "Give me more. What you can give me? What you can give me? What joy you can give me?" In this run of asking, snatching, there can't be the Divine Love.
95. We call a city totally literate when? When each and every person in the city has learned how to read and write. Like that, in the city of your body some people get a turn today to learn, some others get a turn tomorrow to learn, some others get the next day to learn. So every day there are different "people," different molecules coming up front. Every day that you meditate, you culture them. It takes some time to culture, and culture, and cultures all the neurons in the brain. Then they are all cultured to live the bliss.
96. The whole world is here for you to enjoy, but when enjoying, don't forget your Self.
97. Memory of one's Being, memory of the Self, memory of freedom, memory of devotion, memory of surrender, memory of love, memory of joy brings back you to your Self.
98. When you stop becoming judgmental, when you start loving everybody, when you stop seeing the dualities -- at the same time living skillfully among the dualities -- you are already becoming close to me.
99. A guru is there so that you can experience your love fully and then experience that love for yourself and for the whole creation. And if some mistakes are there or even if some scandals are there, why should we hang onto it? We see there are many other good points. We just take those things and use them.
100. Often your enemies are created not by your action as much as by your tongue, by your words -- how you speak, what you speak, what you do. You do this unaware, completely unaware.
101. There is no escape for man from misery until he reaches the other end of his journey, lives the state of Divine Love, full love. And it's not very difficult. It's worth walking that path.
102. Have a balance in you. If there is balance, then you can dance, then life becomes a dance. If you can't stand, then you cannot dance, and "standing" is appreciating, looking at all the values in life and keeping your life in its very center.
103. When a disciple says, "you are my Guru," and establishes a very personal and wonderful relationship, then he becomes a devotee. And a devotee is one who is God -- God is none other than a devotee. Then you are breathing, you are walking, you are talking, all in unconditional love.
104. There is no way---not by any action or by words---that you can ever convince anybody that you really love them. The more we try to do it, the more we are doing the contrary.
105. The center core of existence rules this whole universe. Like the sun is the center of the solar system, and sun rules all the planets -- like that, the very center core of your life is ruled by Love.
106. You think, "Nobody loves me! Everybody hates me!" and I tell you, that is what is going to happen. Because you will be looking in that direction, looking that way. I'm sure you'll find somebody---even the most nice person will look at you and may not give a big smile to you.
107. In fact all actions are propelled by love, have you seen this in creation? Even if you get angry, behind that anger there is love.
108. You are the source that you are seeking. You are in your driveway, but you are searching for your home.
109. Regretting, regretting, regretting -- every minute you are regretting, and so you are angry. You know how anger comes? It piles up. Drop by drop, it collects.
110. A game is where you win and you lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming. The game has value when it is tough. So some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game.
111. Don't think, "It's my duty to raise my children." No -- take it as a service; service is different from duty. You have been a door for these little kids to come into this world. They are not yours; they belong to the Divine. You have just been a door.
112. You can be happy now -- right now -- wherever you are. And you can still do all that you want to do. We have a wrong notion that only when we have ambition and desire will we be able to make progress. I tell you, [it is] not so. You can make better progress without this ambition, without this feverishness.
113. Surrender is respect plus love. If you love someone, respect them, respect the Divinity in them. You will see that the relationship is never strained; it continues, continues, continues. This is the greatest secret about relationships.
114. A servant breathes in gratitude. Every moment in his life is of joy, is flowing out of gratitude, is out of tears. It's not expectation. It's dissolving into the Master.
115. Your forgiveness should be such that the person who is being forgiven does not even know that you are forgiving them. They don't even feel guilty of a mistake. That is the right type of forgiveness.
116. Beauty has three levels: indication, expression, and exposure. Spirituality indicates, art expresses, and science exposes.
117. It is impossible to know thoughts before they come. You know them as they come. And, if they are stupid, simply smile at them, laugh at them, and they will move away.
118. You have just been overshadowed by the events in your mind... that is all that has happened. A cloud has covered the sun. What can any cloud do to the sun? Can it destroy it? Remember your nature. You are the only Soul, only Being.
119. The more "in" you are, the more consolidated you are, in the very core of your Being, the center of your Being, the more you speak the language of the Existence. You do so much good, you do so many wonderful things around you.
120. Do anything... if there is no shradhaa (faith), nothing is going to benefit you. And if you do nothing and there is shradhaa, that itself becomes saadhana for you, becomes a practice.
121. If you do service so that you will gain some merit, I tell you, it is not service. If you are doing a service in order to gain some merit out of it, it is no service.
122. The moment purity comes, depression cannot be there; it goes away.
123. The fight is always between the small, little mind and the big, universal Mind. That's why we say "Jai Guru Dev"... victory to the big Mind. It happens so many times that the small mind wins. Whenever the small mind wins, it is called "misery." The result is misery. Inside you are both the big Mind and the small mind.
124. When the big Mind wins over the small, even the failure of the small mind is a joy. It has always happened that way. Turn back and see... some of your failures have been very good. They have made you progress somewhere, made you stronger.
125. This definite knowledge that, "I am not the body. I am the Self. I am the space. I am the Imperishable... untouched, untainted by the prakriti, by this world around me. This body is all hollow and empty. And every particle in this body is changing and changing and changing. The mind is changing and changing and changing." This definite knowledge is the way out of the cycle. Hm?
126. When something bothers you too much in the mind, you want to talk. This is in between. I tell you, when something bothers you in the mind, get into action - work. You will see that gives a bigger relief.
127. Open your eyes and see. You think you are in control of a situation... what are you in control of? Where are you? Everything is happening, and you are in God. God is all that is.
128. For a few moments, repose in your Self... say, "I want nothing." Be desireless. Those moments are very precious in your life. Those moments strengthen your inner Being in such a way that it goes with you for lifetimes.
129. Everything is changing. And this is all there only to heat you up, to bake you. You are baked in joy, and you are baked in sorrow. You are baked in this event, and you are baked in that event. So everything in the world bakes you, heats you up. And if you put your finger deeper into it, you will get burned. So move lightly.
130. This is a very great unwritten truth: mistakes are nobody's, neither mine nor yours.
131. When you recognize a mistake as mistake, but not as "my" mistake, your guilt will not be there. You see "Oh, this is a mistake... whether it is by me or someone else... this is a mistake that needs rectification." Your mind is lighter, it is not stiff. It is not loaded with tension.
132. No use in all these talks. Don't go on wasting your energy and time in talking. Be in silence. A thousand words cannot convey a glance, a look from your eyes. And even many thousand looks cannot convey one minute of silence. Just stay, silently.
133. When you go to bed, don't be "somebody" and sleep. Be a cloud of light, a glow of a candle, full of life, alive.
134. If some sadness arises, "Oh, I feel a little sad", go deep into the sadness, and you will see that very sadness is nothing but longing. And that very longing, the tears of longing, is nothing but love. And love is nothing but gratefulness. And gratefulness is nothing but your very Being.
135. Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don't hold on to the ball.
136. You define your responsibilities and you define your limitations.
137. You sell your happiness for peanuts! You sell your smile for pennies! I tell you, it's not worth it. The entire world is not worth your smile. Even if you are made the king or the emperor of the world, it's not worth giving away your smile.
138. If you are established in non-violence, in your very presence violence will be dropped by other creatures. Someone comes to attack you... and as soon as they come near you, because your vibration is totally non-violent, they drop down. They stop being violent.
139. You have nothing to lose. All that you can lose is your tension and your worry, your little-mindedness, fear, and anxiety. And fear and anxiety, tension and worry in the small, little mind will keep the mind from being free, will keep the mind from experiencing its infinite potential, will keep the mind from becoming more powerful on this planet.
140. Your worries, your feelings, your thoughts arise in your own mind. You are totally responsible for all your feelings---how you feel, what you think, what you do---all that. You are responsible.
141. Poor people fight for food. Rich people share their food. Richer are those who share power. Richer still are those who share fame. Richest of all are those who share themselves. A person's wealth is measured by his ability to share and not by what he hoards.
142. Something stunning takes you to silence. Something wonderful... words disappear, you become silent. At the helm of every emotion, at the peak of every happening, there is silence. And recognizing it, manifesting it in our life, you cross the ocean of "samsara," the ocean of misery.
143. If the center focus of our life is spiritual growth, is peace, then all other things will be around that. Your first and foremost commitment in life is to be with the Truth, to evolve in Truth.
144. In the morning, when you walk, become aware of your infinite nature. You are like the sky. You are infinity. And walk with that infinity nature. Move through this world like a white cloud, unstained, untouched.
145. Yoga is to realize that your mind is dynamic, your life is dynamic. Depression is a sign of static understanding about life. When you feel everything in life is dead, static, there is nothing more, nowhere to go... that is when one gets depressed.
146. Before this earth eats you up, become free... free from this feverishness that is gripping your mind, free from this craving for happiness.
147. If you look to God, pray to God, with a full heart, dropping sorrow (What is sorrow? Huh? Hanging on to the past.) Then whatever you desire will all be given to you.
148. It is the individual who gets destroyed. Infinity is indestructible. Being immortal is looking at your infinite nature.
149. Existing as though you are not, living as though you are not there at all: hollow and empty - pure, empty space - that is when one says, "Let Thy will be done. Let Thy will be done. Let Thy will be done." That is true unity between the little small mind and the infinite mind, the cosmic mind, the universal mind.
150. This is the nature of sense objects: they promise pleasure to begin with and even give you also a little taste, but then leave you with pain and suffering.
151. Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us.
152. The more we open ourselves, the more room we will have for God to fill us.
153. Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.
154. Forgiveness shields and protects your mind, your spirit, from being violent.
155. Open your hands up - that is surrender. It is your very nature.
156. Your desire for pleasure or happiness makes you unhappy. You examine- whenever you are miserable or unhappy, behind that is you’re want to be happy.
157. The purpose of every practice, spiritual practice, meditation, breathing techniques, and kriya, all this... is to uncover something that blocks the expression of Divine Love.
158. Worry is a product of loving something that is not permanent, that is not eternal.
159. When there is no peace, forget about God, forget about Truth, forget about Divinity, forget about everything else. The first requirement is peace.
160. There can't be love without longing and there can't be longing without love.
161. You are as important in this creation as God, not less important.
162. The nature of joy is to share, to expand, to stretch.
163. Do not see intention behind somebody else's mistakes.
164. When you look at someone else's mistake, you should laugh at it and feel compassionate towards it; then you are able to save your mind.
165. When you are natural, when you don't pretend, then you are very close to the Divine.
166. If you do spiritual practices, to do that needs an effort- that is painful. If you don't do it, not doing it creates more pain; it's even more painful.
167. The whole world is here for you to enjoy, but when enjoying, don't forget your Self.
168. Anger is meaningless, because it is always about something that has already passed.
169. There is nothing else that is more valuable than love in life.
170. The whole universe is one body.
171. When doubts arise in you: fast, meditate, do pranayam, and do prayers, and see whether the doubt will remain.
172. Discipline is not torturing oneself for nothing---that's no discipline. Purpose of discipline is to obtain joy.
173. The only thing that God doesn't tolerate is arrogance.
174. Though enlightenment is one in the world, there are many different flavors.
175. There is no death for you. Death is nothing but a long sleep. Death is nothing but just changing your jackets.
176. For one who has awakened in knowledge, there is no more suffering.
177. Purpose of words is to create silence.
178. Real freedom is the freedom from the future and freedom from the past.
179. When innocence is lost, beauty is lost, too.
180. Once respect is lost, even love is not tasty.
181. The sign of enlightenment is no complaints and no explanations!
182. The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy.
183. Knowledge of death will improve the quality of your life.
184. Prayer means not just sitting and saying so many words, but being in that serene, calm space, meditative state.
185. Life is a package of surprise gifts for you.
186. Bondage is not anywhere outside. It is in the mind, in the consciousness.
187. You clean your windows, you clean your tables, you wash your clothes, but you forget to wash this mind.
188. When the "I, I, my, mine" is not there, is dissolved, that is liberation.
189. The Existence cannot be measured through your little, small, tiny intellect.
190. Just observe the nature - how big this world is, how big the universe is. Nothing is permanent here.
191. Consciousness is the Master, is the Divinity, is the Guru, is your Self.
192. You are holding your fist now. And often you punch your own nose.
193. Happiness is a quality of consciousness. It does depend on matter, but to a far greater degree, it depends on attitude and understanding… Living the spiritual values makes your personality solid and strong.
194. Desire means that the present is not sufficient enough; that it is not okay the way it is now, this moment. Desire means projection to the next moment.
195. When you get overwhelmed with responsibility, like Janaka, listen to Ashtavakra... relax and let go! When you experience lethargy and dullness, feel like running away, like Arjuna, listen to
196. Wake up and realize this is all made up of thoughts, just thoughts, just thoughts. Your appreciation of beauty is a thought; your aversion to an object that is ugly is a thought. Your craving or aversion is nothing but a passing thought in the mind. Realize this is just a thought and you will be free.
197. Do sadhana and involve people for service service & celebration. To sustain service you need celebration and in order to authentically celebrate you need service. Few years on the planet, do something good and go with a smile!
198. Our energy is getting dissipated in the form of fears and desires, fears and desires. And it is the desire that makes you weak.
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